Wednesday, April 27, 2022


My Relationship with Technology

Technology is something that has been around since I can remember. My whole life, and even this entire generation we all have been surrounded by technology. We grew up in a generation where there were so many technological advances like phones and macs. My family was always very cautious when it came to technology whether that was social media or even computers. My parents had many conversations with me about my digital footprint, and that I should be extremely careful of what I post due to the fact that information could be used against me.
Although after a while I grew up and got my own phone. I saw that as I was old enough to do what I wanted on the internet, although I was still a little cautious. I download apps like Instagram, Youtube, and eventually tik tok. My relationship with social media and technology grew closer to an obsession. I won't lie I spend an absurd amount of time using technology to the point where my screen time is about 5 hours a day. Although I do use technology for educational purposes like class, and my career. Which is useful and I get to consume more meaningful information that does make me more knowledgeable. Which could also go for tik tok. I have used tik tok in order to learn how to do certain things. I would say that even though I have an unhealthily close connection with technology there are a lot of benefits for me. 

One thing that does not help is that technology nowadays is extremely unreliable for information and even tries to persuade you to believe one thing. I found that no one's information is protected and many people like whistleblowers try to show people how no one's information is safe. I think one thing that specifically stood out to me was hearing political propaganda that many I know have brought up. I think it's so interesting to hear that people believe this because if that is then what other information is out there brainwashing others. Which can brainwash others into voting a certain way and influence them just like the Facebook scandal with Cambridge Analytica. People's information from surveys was collected and so were their friends in order to use that data to sell to influence people into voting or buying specific things. I think that as a society we need to be more aware of everything on the internet.
As my grandma would say believe half of what you hear, half of what you see, and half of what you told. My family has always been extremely cautious with the internet and every other technology. My father even after finding out that through the scandal with the whistleblower Edward Snowden, in which the government used people's computer cameras to spy on others. He immediately told me and my siblings to close our cameras and also covers his camera with a bandaid. I think that my friends and family would say that technology does have a great impact although a lot of people can misuse use it. My family and friends like technology for the same reasons I do, which is that it allows us to all stay in contact with each other when we are extremely far apart. Our relationships have been able to continue and grow through technology. I can call my family in Connecticut, and Flordia and stay in touch in times of need especially since my grandma is sick at the moment. Technology has allowed my family to maintain our relationship and share important information with each other. This demonstrates that technology is a great thing and innovation is great although people just can't misuse it.

My digital footprint is actually quite small. When I look up Carly Dutch I find my LinkedIn account, My Max Preps Sport report from high school, my Facebook account, and my blogger page. I would not say I have a huge online presence, especially from what I have looked up. Most of my accounts are private so my digital train is a little lower than normal. I think that everything that I did find paints a picture that I am a young individual who is intellectual and driven. Which you can see with my sports reports, my LinkedIn, and my blogger. I don't necessarily think that there is anything I need to edit out of my footprint although I need to constantly be aware of what I post. 

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.  My Relationship with Technology Technology is something that has been around since I can remember. My whole life, and even this entire ge...