Monday, February 14, 2022

Antiwar Media

Stance Antiwar Media

      The articles stated on the blog post are both strong writers in which they talk about hard topics including our country and other countries' governments and politics. When looking at these different sites I have never heard of them before. I had no idea they even existed. The articles come right out at the beginning with headlines like "Biden's Pointless Troop Deployment", and "Biden Theft of Starving Afghan's Treasure a Humanitarian Crime". The authors automatically come outright undermining the president although they are presenting facts and talking about the situation. Which technically is the first amendment to freedom of speech, even though the press. This whole ordeal goes through the debate on the fact that this is freedom of speech although it goes against the sedition act of 1918. Which talks about how it is illegal to criticize the government during war times. 
       These articles while being free speech are going against an act that is a federal crime criticizing the president of the united states in times of war. This is why I have never heard of these articles and why they are not publicized in the media. In a way, I think that it is okay to talk about what is going on although it is a federal crime and they should not be talking about it in that hating on any government or president. I lean more on the side that it is more a federal crime to basically publicity defiant the president. I believe it is still very important that everyone can speak on that topic, and if they feel so strongly they have the right to protest against it with the freedom of assembly. Although the point with not posting, or releasing articles like this is to show unity against an enemy in time of war and not seem as though we are not strong. If people are so strongly in agreement with these voices they will just have to do a little searching for them on obscure websites, since they do polarize groups of speech and make the untied states weaker to take higher ground politically.  


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