Wednesday, February 2, 2022

My Thoughts on One of 8 Values of Expressions

 Individual Self-fulfillment 


       The idea of self-fulfillment is a very crucial topic as it is what we "the people", all want out of life. Freedom and individualization to be who were are without restrictions forced upon us. Freedom to express ourselves outright. I think that the First Amendment is the most important in our constitution , and this value of an expression, self-fulfillment just highlights this fact. Self-fulfillment is all about using the first amendment to say or do whatever the person is thinking or even feeling. I think that this is a super vital idea to display due to the fact that if this wasn't an ideal everyone would be the same thinking under someone else being told who to be and what to say going all the way back to a monarchy. 

        Ideally, this expresses the idea nowadays of how people are being censored online on various platforms all across the internet with saying things or doing things online that get taken down. Sometimes for good cause but others due to the fact that someone didn't like what they were saying or doing, or even wearing. If you place restrictions on the value of the expression in all reality you would have citizens enraged and have them doing things like storming the capital. In which they will become violent or act out against the government in ways that impact everyone in our country. 

       Self-fulfillment has been a vital part of so many ideas and thoughts produced in the world around us. An certain philosophers and even psychologists believe self-fulfillment is an important idea as well. Maslows put self-fulfillment on one of the highest points on his hierarchy of needs, which in my mind just proves that across all walks of life and perspectives self-fulfillment is a huge step in seeing what the people need. In which the government has to realize and even protect from people trying to take away that number one need. 

      The idea of self-fulfillment in my eyes is being free to do and say whatever a person feels, which is something completely autonomous. No one should be able to take that right away. Although over the years you can see where the government has tried to even censor this with the LGBT, abortion, and even in the rights of women in the workplace. When looking at these events they have all ended up with changes in laws and conforming to what the people need in order to feel free to express themselves. 

      I think that this idea is super important for our values of expressions and even our country as it pertains to everyone in the united states. In which everyone can come together and stand for what this country wanted. Which was to be free and able to be who they were and do what they want without others telling them what to think and do. In which we as a people are free to express self-fulfillment in order to be who we are as individuals without judgment or scrutiny.


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