Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ideas on the Supreme Court

 Supreme Court 

     The supreme court is a very interesting entity in the united states as it is one of the branches of government we use to make sure that individuals are heard. Surprisingly through class when we watched the videos and I read about the supreme court there were many things I was shocked about that I didn't know. 
    In the video, I was shocked to find that there are 7,000 petitions sent to the supreme court every year, although they only hear about 100 a year. This is just insane to me although it does make sense in the fact that not every case they can hear because that would take up to much time. I was also shocked to hear that there are have only been 100 justices and that they serve to death or until they want to leave. Which I think is the most shocking thing to me about what I have learned. 
      I think that one of the most important take away from all that I have learned about the supreme court is that the supreme court is there for the people to protect their individual rights. Although there power does rest on public faith. If the court stops listening to peoples rights and freedoms and the public stops listening to the courts we would not be where we are today. 
      This video really helped me to understand the importance of the supreme court with ideas on judicial review through marbury v madison. Also the importance of how our justice system relies on not only our constitution and bill of rights but on the people itself. We all have a part to play in being citizens, in which we are heard and being protected. 

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