Wednesday, February 23, 2022

EOTO on Whistleblowers


Whistleblowers are someone who works for the government and leaks information that shows hard evidence of illegal and unjust things occurring in the private sector. Whistleblowers can bring things up internally in a company or even externally through the world and media. Whistleblowers can report to supervisors, human resources, and/or media outlets. Sometimes whistleblowers even have to think about law enforcement as sometimes it has to deal with laws that have potentially been broken. One of the most famous whistleblowers was Edward Snowden, who was a whistleblower against the U.S.          Government. Edward Snowden exposed the government for hacking into our phones, and computers. In which they were spying on us and watching what we were doing daily. 

Whistleblowing can be dangerous and can lead to being kicked out of your country, in which you are an enemy of the state. In smaller instances, they can also lead you to be kicked out of your job. Since whistleblowing has become more popular in order to protect them there have been laws that have been put in place. Although whistleblowing does lead to a lot of ethical issues because it is someone telling the truth and exposing illegal or harmful activities. 

Whistleblowers are generally a positive thing for our country, community, and world. They allow us to see very easily corruption and illegal activities that we can stop, or even do something about. They are ethically the right thing to do for everyone in order to not spread false information, keep people safe, and protect our rights. Although negative things about whistleblowing are that you end up getting punished for whistleblowing which is not right. Also, they lead to a huge lack of trust in the specific community after everything is realized in the open. Retaliation is another thing that could negatively impact everyone by someone coming out about the truth it could lead to fights, arguments, and the potential war on a large spectrum.

EOTO False Flag Operations

False Flag Operations

False Flag Operations are an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning the blame on another party. The term came around in the 16th century, which was a figurative expression of speech that meant "deliberate misrepresentation of someone's affiliation or motives". This term was later used in naval war, land, and aviation. Although today it is extended to mean to countries attacking other countries and blaming their enemies and comes along closely with terrorism. False flag operations are not just for war but for espionage, politics, ideology, and even citizens. 
False Flag Operations are very sneaky; they are used in a manner of making someone feel comfortable in order to attack. This kind of operation is extremely tricky as it persuades others to want to join a certain side because of humans' nature to feel safe and protected. Which Maslow uses on our hierarchy of needs safety is at the very bottom building blocks. In which safety drives our motivations allowing for false flag operations to influence others and also get information out of people. People have used this tactic in order to steal countries' secrets, in order to go to war.

False Flag Operations are going in ways of the fact that it does allow for countries to gain intel on other countries to potentially prevent wars. From a political standpoint, it is good because it can allow everyone to come to an agreement on certain topics where certain parties can figure out information in order to display arguments that will align better with their values to get them on their side. Although negatively false flag operations can start wars between countries, which caused the winter war to begin. Allows for politics too because autonomous and democratic if used the wrong way and leads to blackmail. Overall for civil use and ideology, it allows for certain blackmail and use of personal information. Which allows people to steal your identity and even take away your privacy.

In a way, False Flag Operations changed our society for the worst. Our society is now taking away freedoms by using these operations and taking away democracy. No one is safe from this type of operation it is used in such a negative that does not allow free will to exist. No one even knows who the good guys and bad guys are, no one trusts each other; even in a time of need. Currently, some people even believe that what's going on in Ukraine might even be a False Flag Operations. These operations affect everybody in all different countries around the world. Civilly this affects Americans like you and me the most as these operations go against Americans' rights as well as it doesn't protect our private individual rights from being searched with the fifth amendment. What we could do as a society and even the world would be to try to keep more information extremely confidential, but I don't see any way of stopping this from happening in a war sense. Civil, you can only do your best to stay in your own lane and make your information safe from others.

Invasion of Privacy

Ted Talks

From the ted talks present, they raise so many questions about privacy as the ted talk with Juan Enriquez talks about electronic tattoos. These told these companies about things about you no matter your status in your life. In a way, it's like someone stalking everything about you. Anyone can look at your information predict trends, and also download any of your records from just your face. Everyone's privacy due to electronic tattoos is gone. In a way, you're taking away people's right to privacy and ability to do what they want without gaining a negative reputation because with electronic tattoos everyone can see what you post and people can make assumptions about you or find "dirt" on anyone.

Another ted talk that I found extremely eye-opening to privacy was one of the third ted talks by  Christopher Soghoian in which he discussed telephones and how they were wired for surveillance. Anyone can be listening to any conversation you can listen to, any government or hacker that wants to crack into the telephone companies. Although iPhones made protection for your data, as well as whats app. Although governments are upset due to the encryption techniques are being used meaning these officials want to allow everybody's data to monitor. Which talks about how do we need to all use hacking-able phones, although no one would get our information. This is a prime example of what we need to do in order to protect at least some of our data and data that might be super confidential with our country. 

These issues are extremely important as they bring up problems that we are trying to solve currently. Issues that allow for people like you and me that people might use our electronic tattoos and find our credit scores and stalk our information to potentially steal our identity. Another issue is that our telephones are easily hackable allowing for people to stalk others and allow crime to potentially unfold on all of us as individuals. The government needs to look at all of these issues and determine that our privacy is important and is one of our constitutional rights.

 From which we are protected from search and seizures as that is our personal information that no government or our own government should be able to search and use against us. The fifth amendment also applies in which you have the right to protect your private information. All the information is shown I think it would be unjust if they didn't allow companies to employ encryption in their networks like discussed in the ted talk and also encrypting our electronic tattoos to make it more difficult for others to tap into our information. What we can do as people is control how much we put out there for the world to see, and restrict ourselves a little bit. As well as making sure that we are being more secure, and figuring out what to do in order to do so. Overall we as people need to educate ourselves.

Monday, February 14, 2022

EOTO on the Pager

The Pager

   The pager was created/put into use in 1921 by the Detroit police department. Although the first telephone pager was not patented til 1949. The inventor was a man named Al Gross. He invented them and were first used in a Jewish hospital. Although throughout the year's multiple people have helped create different things adding to the pager or even creating different versions. Which "In 1960, John Francis Mitchell combined elements of Motorola's walkie-talkie and automobile radio technologies to create the first transistorized pager, and from that time, paging technology continued to advance and pager adoption among emergency personnel is still popular as of July 2016." Many people helped to contribute to making one-way pagers, two-way pagers, and response pagers only. 

      In 1958 pagers were approved by the public by the federal communications commissioner. Although they became more widely used in the 1980s by the people in the public setting. They were made for people in the medical field, policemen, firemen, and other emergency responders in order to communicate with one another effectively and timely. The way that they worked was that one person through either a telephone or an email would send information to a pager that they wanted to talk to. The pager would beep with someone's phone number or information and they would call them or get the message on the screen.

       While pagers are great they help by communicating through dead spots that phones couldn't get to, allowing everyone to get the same message at once, and having a long battery life. The pager has some extreme negative downsides, which is why they have been on the steady decline from popularity ever since cellphones have been the rage. The pager is not very versatile, and you cant reply very easily with a pager it is a multiple-step process to respond with it. The downside as well is that you have to send short amounts of information so it leads to misinformation. Which can cost someone their life or spread the wrong information to many others.


Antiwar Media

Stance Antiwar Media

      The articles stated on the blog post are both strong writers in which they talk about hard topics including our country and other countries' governments and politics. When looking at these different sites I have never heard of them before. I had no idea they even existed. The articles come right out at the beginning with headlines like "Biden's Pointless Troop Deployment", and "Biden Theft of Starving Afghan's Treasure a Humanitarian Crime". The authors automatically come outright undermining the president although they are presenting facts and talking about the situation. Which technically is the first amendment to freedom of speech, even though the press. This whole ordeal goes through the debate on the fact that this is freedom of speech although it goes against the sedition act of 1918. Which talks about how it is illegal to criticize the government during war times. 
       These articles while being free speech are going against an act that is a federal crime criticizing the president of the united states in times of war. This is why I have never heard of these articles and why they are not publicized in the media. In a way, I think that it is okay to talk about what is going on although it is a federal crime and they should not be talking about it in that hating on any government or president. I lean more on the side that it is more a federal crime to basically publicity defiant the president. I believe it is still very important that everyone can speak on that topic, and if they feel so strongly they have the right to protest against it with the freedom of assembly. Although the point with not posting, or releasing articles like this is to show unity against an enemy in time of war and not seem as though we are not strong. If people are so strongly in agreement with these voices they will just have to do a little searching for them on obscure websites, since they do polarize groups of speech and make the untied states weaker to take higher ground politically.  


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Creation of The Telephone

The Telephone

The invention of the telephone was very controversial. Alexander Graham Bell was technically the first person to patent the telephone. There was huge controversy as two other men said that they had invented it as well. Which was Antonio Meucci invented the so-called telephone in 1854. An Elisha Gray in 1876 although his claim was less substantial. The whole controversy was over the fact that he worked in a factory that had parts from Antonio Meccui's device in it, claiming that he stole the idea. Alexander Graham Bell was taken to court in which he won and patented the telephone in 1876 making him have the sole patent of the telephone. While the invention was was a credit to all three of them.  

The way that the device was found by Alexander Graham Bell was by accident as he and his assistant Thomas Watson were playing around with a telegraph and picked one of the reeds. In which he found out that they could transmit sound. The purpose of the telephone was to transmit speech and communication from one person to another. He started research in order to help deaf people in order to help them communicate which lead to the telephone being invented. 

This invention transformed our world in creating modernization with the transition of communication at such a fast pace. Overnight it changed allowing information to be communicated instantly. The invention of the telephone solved problems of not being able to share information in a timely manner and also being able to communicate with people from all over. This invention changed our lives forever making everyone be able to communicate with everyone. Communication was changed rapidly allowing communication to widely spread and new innovations, leading to the rotary dial, cell towers, and now cell phones. Bell also leads with the invention of the telephone cell phone companies being made and networks.

The invention of the telephone while was great for advancement also has some really negative effects that still impact us today. The invention of the telephone made communication fast and easily although it left the door wide open for the interpretation of news that isn't true to be easily spreadable. Which allowed for what we call fake news to be interrupted and shared which the news sources now publish due to miscommunication. I would say one of the biggest takeaways is that it allowed for miscommunication and the spread of false information. Which is detrimental to everyone in our country, and the world. 
One of the smaller things that happened from telephones being introduced would have to be that it lessened social interaction and lead us into the society we have now. This leads to cell phones and all of us being held to social stands that have caused massive amounts of anxiety and depression. Although mental health is being traumatized so is the number of information Americans is being fed not allowing us to make autonomous decisions on voting due to the misinformation. Which affects our entire country. 


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

My Thoughts on One of 8 Values of Expressions

 Individual Self-fulfillment 


       The idea of self-fulfillment is a very crucial topic as it is what we "the people", all want out of life. Freedom and individualization to be who were are without restrictions forced upon us. Freedom to express ourselves outright. I think that the First Amendment is the most important in our constitution , and this value of an expression, self-fulfillment just highlights this fact. Self-fulfillment is all about using the first amendment to say or do whatever the person is thinking or even feeling. I think that this is a super vital idea to display due to the fact that if this wasn't an ideal everyone would be the same thinking under someone else being told who to be and what to say going all the way back to a monarchy. 

        Ideally, this expresses the idea nowadays of how people are being censored online on various platforms all across the internet with saying things or doing things online that get taken down. Sometimes for good cause but others due to the fact that someone didn't like what they were saying or doing, or even wearing. If you place restrictions on the value of the expression in all reality you would have citizens enraged and have them doing things like storming the capital. In which they will become violent or act out against the government in ways that impact everyone in our country. 

       Self-fulfillment has been a vital part of so many ideas and thoughts produced in the world around us. An certain philosophers and even psychologists believe self-fulfillment is an important idea as well. Maslows put self-fulfillment on one of the highest points on his hierarchy of needs, which in my mind just proves that across all walks of life and perspectives self-fulfillment is a huge step in seeing what the people need. In which the government has to realize and even protect from people trying to take away that number one need. 

      The idea of self-fulfillment in my eyes is being free to do and say whatever a person feels, which is something completely autonomous. No one should be able to take that right away. Although over the years you can see where the government has tried to even censor this with the LGBT, abortion, and even in the rights of women in the workplace. When looking at these events they have all ended up with changes in laws and conforming to what the people need in order to feel free to express themselves. 

      I think that this idea is super important for our values of expressions and even our country as it pertains to everyone in the united states. In which everyone can come together and stand for what this country wanted. Which was to be free and able to be who they were and do what they want without others telling them what to think and do. In which we as a people are free to express self-fulfillment in order to be who we are as individuals without judgment or scrutiny.



.  My Relationship with Technology Technology is something that has been around since I can remember. My whole life, and even this entire ge...