Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Creation of The Telephone

The Telephone

The invention of the telephone was very controversial. Alexander Graham Bell was technically the first person to patent the telephone. There was huge controversy as two other men said that they had invented it as well. Which was Antonio Meucci invented the so-called telephone in 1854. An Elisha Gray in 1876 although his claim was less substantial. The whole controversy was over the fact that he worked in a factory that had parts from Antonio Meccui's device in it, claiming that he stole the idea. Alexander Graham Bell was taken to court in which he won and patented the telephone in 1876 making him have the sole patent of the telephone. While the invention was was a credit to all three of them.  

The way that the device was found by Alexander Graham Bell was by accident as he and his assistant Thomas Watson were playing around with a telegraph and picked one of the reeds. In which he found out that they could transmit sound. The purpose of the telephone was to transmit speech and communication from one person to another. He started research in order to help deaf people in order to help them communicate which lead to the telephone being invented. 

This invention transformed our world in creating modernization with the transition of communication at such a fast pace. Overnight it changed allowing information to be communicated instantly. The invention of the telephone solved problems of not being able to share information in a timely manner and also being able to communicate with people from all over. This invention changed our lives forever making everyone be able to communicate with everyone. Communication was changed rapidly allowing communication to widely spread and new innovations, leading to the rotary dial, cell towers, and now cell phones. Bell also leads with the invention of the telephone cell phone companies being made and networks.

The invention of the telephone while was great for advancement also has some really negative effects that still impact us today. The invention of the telephone made communication fast and easily although it left the door wide open for the interpretation of news that isn't true to be easily spreadable. Which allowed for what we call fake news to be interrupted and shared which the news sources now publish due to miscommunication. I would say one of the biggest takeaways is that it allowed for miscommunication and the spread of false information. Which is detrimental to everyone in our country, and the world. 
One of the smaller things that happened from telephones being introduced would have to be that it lessened social interaction and lead us into the society we have now. This leads to cell phones and all of us being held to social stands that have caused massive amounts of anxiety and depression. Although mental health is being traumatized so is the number of information Americans is being fed not allowing us to make autonomous decisions on voting due to the misinformation. Which affects our entire country. 


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