Wednesday, February 23, 2022

EOTO False Flag Operations

False Flag Operations

False Flag Operations are an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning the blame on another party. The term came around in the 16th century, which was a figurative expression of speech that meant "deliberate misrepresentation of someone's affiliation or motives". This term was later used in naval war, land, and aviation. Although today it is extended to mean to countries attacking other countries and blaming their enemies and comes along closely with terrorism. False flag operations are not just for war but for espionage, politics, ideology, and even citizens. 
False Flag Operations are very sneaky; they are used in a manner of making someone feel comfortable in order to attack. This kind of operation is extremely tricky as it persuades others to want to join a certain side because of humans' nature to feel safe and protected. Which Maslow uses on our hierarchy of needs safety is at the very bottom building blocks. In which safety drives our motivations allowing for false flag operations to influence others and also get information out of people. People have used this tactic in order to steal countries' secrets, in order to go to war.

False Flag Operations are going in ways of the fact that it does allow for countries to gain intel on other countries to potentially prevent wars. From a political standpoint, it is good because it can allow everyone to come to an agreement on certain topics where certain parties can figure out information in order to display arguments that will align better with their values to get them on their side. Although negatively false flag operations can start wars between countries, which caused the winter war to begin. Allows for politics too because autonomous and democratic if used the wrong way and leads to blackmail. Overall for civil use and ideology, it allows for certain blackmail and use of personal information. Which allows people to steal your identity and even take away your privacy.

In a way, False Flag Operations changed our society for the worst. Our society is now taking away freedoms by using these operations and taking away democracy. No one is safe from this type of operation it is used in such a negative that does not allow free will to exist. No one even knows who the good guys and bad guys are, no one trusts each other; even in a time of need. Currently, some people even believe that what's going on in Ukraine might even be a False Flag Operations. These operations affect everybody in all different countries around the world. Civilly this affects Americans like you and me the most as these operations go against Americans' rights as well as it doesn't protect our private individual rights from being searched with the fifth amendment. What we could do as a society and even the world would be to try to keep more information extremely confidential, but I don't see any way of stopping this from happening in a war sense. Civil, you can only do your best to stay in your own lane and make your information safe from others.

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