Wednesday, February 23, 2022

EOTO on Whistleblowers


Whistleblowers are someone who works for the government and leaks information that shows hard evidence of illegal and unjust things occurring in the private sector. Whistleblowers can bring things up internally in a company or even externally through the world and media. Whistleblowers can report to supervisors, human resources, and/or media outlets. Sometimes whistleblowers even have to think about law enforcement as sometimes it has to deal with laws that have potentially been broken. One of the most famous whistleblowers was Edward Snowden, who was a whistleblower against the U.S.          Government. Edward Snowden exposed the government for hacking into our phones, and computers. In which they were spying on us and watching what we were doing daily. 

Whistleblowing can be dangerous and can lead to being kicked out of your country, in which you are an enemy of the state. In smaller instances, they can also lead you to be kicked out of your job. Since whistleblowing has become more popular in order to protect them there have been laws that have been put in place. Although whistleblowing does lead to a lot of ethical issues because it is someone telling the truth and exposing illegal or harmful activities. 

Whistleblowers are generally a positive thing for our country, community, and world. They allow us to see very easily corruption and illegal activities that we can stop, or even do something about. They are ethically the right thing to do for everyone in order to not spread false information, keep people safe, and protect our rights. Although negative things about whistleblowing are that you end up getting punished for whistleblowing which is not right. Also, they lead to a huge lack of trust in the specific community after everything is realized in the open. Retaliation is another thing that could negatively impact everyone by someone coming out about the truth it could lead to fights, arguments, and the potential war on a large spectrum.

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